The Hamas War against Israel: A Diary-September 2007

The Hamas War against Israel: A Diary-September 2007

    During September 2007, 70 rockets and 132 mortar bombs were fired from Gaza at Sderot and the western Negev.

    A soldier wounded at the IDF training base near Kibbutz Zikkim (Photo: Reuters)

    26 Sept 2007

    On the eve of the Sukkot holiday a particularly high number of rocket and mortar attacks was recorded: nine rockets and 22 mortar shells.

    11 Sept 2007

    69 Israeli soldiers were wounded when a Kassam rocket launched from the area of the Palestinian town of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza landed at an IDF basic training base near Kibbutz Zikkim in the western Negev at around 1:30 am.

    The rocket landed directly on an empty mess tent used in the daytime. Soldiers sleeping in adjacent tents were wounded by shrapnel. One IDF soldier was critically wounded, four seriously wounded, seven moderately wounded and 57 lightly wounded.

    The Salah a-Din Brigades - the military arm of the Public Resistance Committees - and the Islamic Jihad both claimed responsibility for the attack. Islamic Jihad operatives celebrated the attack in their mosques in Gaza later Tuesday morning.

    Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, speaking on Hamas radio, praised the rocket attack on an Israeli army base, calling it a "victory from God":
    "We consider this a victory from God for the resistance. We consider the resistance as the legitimate right of the Palestinians to defend themselves and restore their rights."


    6 Sept 2007

    A Kassam rocket fired from Gaza landed near a high school in Sderot Thursday afternoon. A house was slightly damaged in the attack. Another rocket landed in a field outside town.

    3 Sept 2007

    At 7:50 Monday morning, when thousands of children were on their way to school, Kassam rockets were fired at Sderot. One landed in a courtyard between a day care center and an elementary school. Twelve children, who were on their way to school, suffered from shock and were evacuated to Ashkelon for treatment.

    The Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the rocket attacks, calling them "a gift for the opening of the school year."